domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020


    Vocabulary 1: The senses
  • appearance - aspecte
  • bang - cop de porta, cop
  • beat - ritme
  • bitter - amarg/a
  • colourful - acororit/da, de colors vius
  • flavour - sabor
  • gorgeous - preciós/osa, guapíssim/a
  • pattern - patró : dibuix, estampat
  • rotten - podrit/da
  • rough - aspre/a
  • scent - perfum, fragància, aroma.
  • scratch - esgarrapar, gratar-se, fer picor.
  • shape - forma, figura
  • shiny - brillant
  • smooth (superfície) - llis/a, suau
  • soft (roba, etc) - suau
  • stare - mirar fixament
  • stink - fer pudor
  • tickle - fer pessigolles a
  • whisper - xiuxiuejar, parlar molt baix
  • yelt: cridar
    Vocabulary 2: Memory
  • Accurately - Fidelment.
  • Aloud - En veu alta.
  • Boost - Estimular.
  • By heart - De memòria.
  • Conscious - Conscient.
  • Daydream - Somiar despert.
  • Disoder - Malaltia.
  • Inability - Incapacitat.
  • Likely - Probable.
  • Loss - Pèrdua.
  • Make an effort - Fer un esport.
  • Positive - Positiu.
  • Poweful - Poderós/osa.
  • Recall - Recordar.
  • Recognise - Reconèixer.
  • Remind - Recordar a algú.

    Vocabulary 3: Fears and phobias 
  • Anxiety - Preocupació.
  • Common - Comú/una.
  • Cope with - Fer front a...
  • Face  - Enfrontar-se a...
  • Fear - Por.
  • Get over - Superar.
  • Heights - Altures.
  • Helpess - Incapacitat.
  • Pound - Bategar.
  • Struggle - Lluitar.
  • Suffer - Aguantar.
  • Sweat - Suar.
  • Terrifying - Aterridor/a.
  • Trapped - Atrapat/ada.
  • Treatment - Tractament.
  • Upset - Disgustar.
  • Weird - Rar/a

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020



1. What is the title of the film?

The title is The boss baby
2. Who is the director?

The director is Tom McGrath
3. Who is the screenwriter?

The screenwriters are Joe Schiff, Robert Troy and Chris Welch

4. Where does the action take place?

First in a company where they make and create babies and in a house
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
In the past.
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)
The genre is animated.

7. Who are the main characters?

The baby and Tim (brothers)
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

Tim: he is 7 years old, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He was an only child and he's jealous of his brother the boss baby.
The boss baby: he is not a normal baby, he's cute but he has a man voice, he is a special baby because he has a mission.

Write 4 words from the film and...

9. Write a definition in English

BOSS: he/she indicates the work of each person in a company/job.

COMPANY: it is a organization who works in a elaboration of a product.
DUMMY: A object that is put in the mouth of the baby.
BABY: A little boy or girl.

10. Translate them into Catalan
Cap – empresa – xumet - nadó

11. Write one sentence with each word

The baby boss is cute and blond.
In the film, the babys are create in a company.
The baby uses a dummy to teleport at the factorie.
Tim is jealous of the baby, but he loves him.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

WRITING 2. La Pedrera

La Pedrera is a very important and huge building situated in Barcelona, at “avenue de gràcia”.

La Pedrera looks like abstract, it has got a lot of windows and decorations, it has got a balcony out that is absolutely abstract too because the floor has got waves with different colors and forms. It’s extremely high. Although, it has a lift.
People can visit the flates of the block and rooms. Children can also do activities which are incredible and funny and buy souvenirs for their family and friends. It was built in the 20th century by the arquitect, Antoni Gaudí, who adored the abstract symbolism and forms. Year before, people can live at Its flates.

In my opinion, I have visited La Pedrera and I can say that is an interesting and beautiful building. I recommend it to you.